Missions Mobilization
We have a threefold strategy or approach for our mobilization and that is initiating missional communities, stir mission Prayer and mission partner development. We believe these three will be critical in our mobilization endeavours.
Let's Engage
FMT Missional Communities

Missional communities are our attempt to raise up solidarity communities where people are able to make second level commitments to live strategically for God and his purposes.
Our hope is that we would help our churches in their different expressions to move from just ministry to intentional deliberate disciple making. Thus raising intentional disciple makers with a world Christian lifestyle is the primary goal of the missional communities.
These missional communities are not meant to be stand-alones but rather catalysts that nourish and revitalise churches in their different expressions.
What we do in these missional communities?
- Relational missional discipleship.
- Training and equipping using available tools like our one month residential discipleship program, Kairos, perspectives, Xplore/compass, and so on.
- Preparation for potential missionary or mobilization work.
- Plan for mission exposure trips.
Let's Pray
Stir Missional Prayer

Prayer is vital for the mission movement. It is Samuel Zwemer who said, ‘The history of missions is the History of answered prayer’.
How we are mobilizing for prayer?
- Through initiating prayer gatherings.
- Through sharing mission prayer requests to our friends and acquaintances.
- Earmarking unreached people groups often to pray for using our social media platforms and contacts.
- And encouraging prayer in other different forms.
Let's Partner
Mission Partner Development

Mission partner development is our attempt at collaboration. Who can we work with to bring to fulfilment of the great commission? We’re under no illusion of the magnitude of the work and the necessity to work with others to finish the task at hand. So in mission partner development we seek to build relationships and friendships with other like-minded individuals, organisations and churches.