About Us
Our Vision, Mission and Values
The Need

There is an impeding wrath of God upon those who don’t believe, they will perish in the lake of fire.
And the only solution to this impeding wrath is salvation by grace through faith in Christ. Without Christ being proclaimed, received and entrusted with our hearts and lives we are doomed and already condemned.
But we also know, how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
It is Gods heart to bring all these nations, tribes, peoples and languages to worship before him. This is why Jesus knowing the heart of God, was willing to pay the ultimate cost to purchase for God peoples from all tribes, languages and nations with his blood.
We also know that from the very beginning, our redemptive missionary God has wanted his redeemed children to be a part of this amazing story (not angels but you and me). And has invited us to therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything he has commanded us. And the stats tell us there are several people still without a gospel witness.
We also know we have been reluctant to join him in this endeavour. Because we have refused to die to self and live for him.
And yet we also know he has promised to be with us.
It’s from this reality and need that our vision and mission was birthed.
Our Vision and Mission
To see an African messenger working among the unreached peoples of the world raising multiplying disciples to the glory of God.
To mobilize, equip and send disciple-making African messengers among the unreached peoples of the world.

Our Ambition
Our vision carries with it an ambition to see a church in every community for every people, tribe and language starting with the Dodoth and Ik peoples and like a tree grow northwards to the Sudan while spreading east and west to chad, Algeria, Eritrea and so on. While continuing to use the tree analogy, we know the tree can only grow taller, richer and firmer by the depth of its roots. And that’s why our vision also carries with it the desire to see the church in Africa in all its different expressions mobilised beginning from our Jerusalem “Mbarara, Uganda” to Kampala, Mbale, etc to engage in the mission through partnerships. The depth of our mobilization will mark the height of our mission.
Our Core Values
We value and believe in working with others whether individuals, organisations or churches in its different expressions. We are committed to helping each other to accomplish the mandate of world evangelisation that God has given us. We know we can’t accomplish this task alone, it’s too big for a single individual, organisation or church entity to accomplish alone therefore we know we need each other. For we are only one part of the larger body.
We value a passionate pursuit of God and his purposes. A passion that expresses itself in deep devotion, commitment and a sacrificial love. A passion that risks all for God and His glory.
We value relationships. We believe in the dignity and potential of an individual, the worth placed on them by the creator God. We value relationships because they are so dear to God, and it’s in them that the gospel is communicated, grows and multiplies.
We value and believe in prayer as our expression of dependence and trust in God and His son Jesus. And that through prayer History is changed for that’s how God has determined it in his wisdom. ‘The history of missions is the History of answered prayer’ - Samuel Zwemer
We value a patient reliance on God, a perseverance that waits and suffers long till it sees the purposes of God fulfilled.